Bubsy The Horrific

I never thought that i would witness what i just witnessed. I went to a garage sale last week and i bought a copy of bubsy and the magical L-shaped vagina adventures, because i remeber loving it as a kid i think it deserves 10/10 on every review tech yet it gets very bad ratings like 2/10's and 5/10's. It only costed $2 so i took it and went home to relive my childhood once more. I booted up the game and i heard a loud screech sound and it cut to black.then i swear i saw a picture of bubsy and the L-shaped vagina bleeding ...HYPER REALISTIC BLOOD FROM THE VAGINA :0! I shrugged it off as a glitch saying how it probaly happens to everyone i played the game normaly just like i remebered it with those smooth controls and amazing graphics.After a while the game started to show pictures of bubsy and the l shaped vagina bleeding from their eyes...the same picture that was on the title screen. I then saw a picture stare at me of bubsy with a popped out eye until suddenly a doll of him popped out of the screen. At this point i thought it was a glitch until... the game started up again...but this time....IT WAS E.T. I screamed in horror an knew at this point that none of this was a glitch i screamed and turned of the systeam as fast as i could. I went outside and smashed it with a hammer and to this day i still see et, the l shaped vagina, and bubsy out of the side of my eye.